Tuesday Tips: Storing Fresh Herbs

Here’s a quick tip for storing fresh herbs – chop off the bottom inch or so of herbs that don’t have roots (cilantro and parsley in this photo), then put them in a tall glass with a couple of inches of cold water.  Use the plastic produce bag you brought them home in (most likely)…

Salt Container Spouts

Large containers of salt can be a pain to open – especially if you pour your salt out of one into a separate container for range-side use.  The aluminum spout lays flush with the top, and I inevitably need to rummage around for a butter knife when it’s time to refill the salt pig.  But…

Pizza Panini

What’s your favorite kind of pizza?  I like pretty much any type of pizza, but sometimes it can get a little tricky to pick the slice up while it’s still hot without the cheese and toppings sliding off at the same time!  This panini sandwich contains all the great flavors of a pizza, minus the…

Buttering a Baking Pan

So you know how sometimes baking recipes ask you to “butter a pan” or “butter and flour a pan”?  I see this as another opportunity to be resourceful and use what would have otherwise ended up in the garbage. When I finish a stick of butter (in other recipes… since I rarely just eat butter…

Saving Things for Later

I’m a bit of a hoarder when it comes to saving things for later.  Anything that doesn’t get used or eaten one week has a high probability of getting thrown into the freezer for another week.  If I know we have a trip coming up, I’ll be sure to make extras to freeze during the…

Planning a Grocery List and Menu, Part 2

(Click over here for Part 1) After making my list, I’ll plan out which meals will be for which days, which helps with knowing when I need to take something out to defrost the night before, or if there’s anything I can make ahead.  Washing and chopping vegetables is probably the most time-consuming task in…

Planning a Grocery List and Menu, Part 1

I’m a list-maker, planner, checklist type of person.  I’ve found that investing a bit of time to plan a menu and grocery list for the week helps A LOT with (1) minimizing the number of grocery runs, (2) decreasing the “what’s for dinner?” stress, (3) decreasing food waste from unused bits of leftover ingredients, and…

Homemade Breadcrumbs

Here’s a tip for something I do with leftover bread ends (the dried-out pieces on the ends of sliced loaves that are a bit too tough to enjoy as my morning toast).  I put them in the freezer until I’ve amassed enough to fill a baking tray (8 or so). Then I bake them at…

Storing Cutting Boards

I repurposed an old file organizer to store my cutting boards on the countertop.  An easy solution for saving counter space (it makes them stand up vertically), keeping them separated for better airflow when drying, and making it easy to grab just the one I need without the rest of the pile toppling over.  If…

Humidity Control

Do you know what the “humidity control” sliders on fridge produce drawers are for?  Before doing a bit of research, I just kept them both on the middle setting, hoping it was going to be OK. Here’s an easy-to-understand guide for how to use them properly!  They open and close an opening in the drawer…

How To: Cut an Onion

This is what I like to do when I need an onion in a recipe.  (As for minimizing teary eyes, I generally wear glasses so it’s not so much of a problem. But I’ve heard running the knife under water first can help, as well as burning a candle nearby to draw the onion-air away…