Mushroom and Spinach Quiche

Quiche is a very versatile dish!  I can eat it for any meal (it’s like a frittata for breakfast), freeze it for later, take it to a potluck, and make it with pretty much anything leftover in the fridge.  This version is my favorite, with mushrooms and spinach. You will need: (makes 1 quiche) 1…

Plum Salad

Continuing Salad Week here on the little bloggie, here’s a salad I’ve been loving!  The plums and nectarines are in season and a great addition to breakfast, lunch, dinner, or snacks. Salad: baby spinach, cashews, shredded carrots, cucumbers, and black plums tossed in a little olive oil/balsamic vinegar/salt and pepper combo. Served this with pork…

Green and Orange Salad

Continuing the salad mini-series – and the contrasting colors theme – here’s a “green-and-orange” salad.  I wasn’t sure what else to call it…. Salads are one of those wonderfully easy summertime dishes that don’t necessarily need a recipe.  They are totally flexible for whatever ingredients you want to include (or exclude). This one is made…

Watermelon Feta Salad

All I want to eat lately is SALAD.  It’s hot, it’s summer, it’s give-me-ALL-the-VEGGIES season.  Bonus: not having to turn on the stove or oven!  So I’m doing a week full of salad posts! This is super easy to make: toss some watermelon chunks and feta cheese onto a bed of baby spinach and drizzle…