Japanese Potato Salad

Asian-style potato salad is probably my favorite kind of potato salad because it’s more delicate than the chunky American style. You’re likely to find it served as one of the banchan side dishes in Korean restaurants next to tofu soup.  It also reminds me of my childhood, when my mom would make picnic sandwiches out of…

Bulgogi Fries

Sometimes I just get tired of eating rice with everything…. so I took some inspiration from the internet and paired bulgogi beef with my favorite carbs: fries! I don’t really have a true recipe for this, since it’s basically just assembling things I already had.  But here are the components: Storebought frozen shoestring fries, baked…

Parmesan Fries

French fries are probably one of my favorite foods!  Only indulging once in a while, though :)  So if I’m going to eat fries, they’d better be REAL – as in deep-fried, not baked! I purchased a mini deep fryer last year (it only holds about 0.5 L of oil, maximum) for about $20 I…

Roasted Potatoes

Roasted potatoes sprinkled with bits of fresh rosemary will make a perfect side dish for all of your holiday dinners!  Adding vinegar into the cooking water helps form a starchy “skin” on the exposed areas of the potato, which will turn into perfect crunchy, chewy outsides when roasted.  (I think I originally saw this tip…

Baked Loaded Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are great in sweet potato casserole, but sometimes I prefer savory over sweet (especially with the sugar-laden holidays coming up!)  Here I’ve crammed every single vegetable that I enjoy roasted into the same dish.  A bit ambitious, but certainly tasty. Baked Loaded Sweet Potatoes – serves 4 2 sweet potatoes 1/2 lb sausage,…

Japanese-Style Curry

This Japanese curry is delicious and easy to make (and as a bonus, you only have to wash 1 pot afterwards!).  Most grocery stores now carry boxes of Japanese curry blocks – popular brands are Vermont Curry and Golden Curry.  Both are good, though I think Vermont Curry is a bit sweeter because their sauce…

Clam Bake

It’s become a bit of a tradition at my house to cook up a clam bake during the summer holidays – like July 4th or Labor Day. I separated out the seafood after it was cooked because I didn’t have a bowl large enough to fit everything for serving!This is a delicious, easy way to…