Ninjabread Cookies

How cute are these little ninjabread men?? I got the cookie making kit from Aldi.   It came with a package of gingerbread mix, a package of icing mix, a bag of colored candies, and some plastic cookie cutters that I’m totally keeping for future gingerbread! For the gingerbread, I went the homemade route and found…

Chocolate Chip Cookies

Browsing through some favorite blogs, I stumbled upon these gorgeous, mouth-wateringly plump and chocolate-filled beauties from Pinch of Yum.  She calls them “Perfect Chocolate Chip Cookies” – and that they are!  The batter sits up nice and high so you get a perfectly thick, chewy cookie. I’ll let you link over to her site for…

An after-dinner treat

Have you heard of wafer cookies? I found these at Aldi, though I have seen mini versions at Kroger during the holiday season.  A wafer cookie is a flat cookie that looks like a waffle but has caramel sandwiched in between the two layers.  It’s usually also very sweet :)  Place it over a cup…


Cinnamon-y, sugary, warm and chewy. Perfect for a mug of hot spiced cider. Here’s a closeup of those wonderful nooks and crannies that magically appear after they flatten out in the oven on their own: