Chocolate Mug Cake (Single Serving)

Ever get a craving for chocolate cake, but don’t want to bake (or buy) an entire cake?  This is the perfect solution, and it only takes a few ingredients from the pantry and fridge.  Since it’s a single portion, there’s no danger of eating the “whole” cake… unless you make this a few times in…

Cheesecake Brownies

I remember making cream cheese brownies with my mom as a kid.  Stir together an egg and some oil with the brownie mix, then stir together an egg and some oil with the “cream cheese” mix.  I think it may have been a Pillsbury boxed mix, but the brand didn’t matter  – it was the…

Christmas Pretzels

Here is a very easy, last-minute snack that’s great for a cookie swap, Christmas party, or care package! What you need: a bag of pretzels (I like the shape of the circle ones, but regular ones are great, too), chocolate bark, and candy canes. Melt the chocolate bark according to the package directions in the…

fall spices and chocolate

Mmm… I love the smell of baking, especially fall spices like cinnamon and nutmeg.  I added both to the recipe below to make it more festive for fall! Honey lavender almond biscotti 1 1/4  c all-purpose flour 1 1/4 c whole-wheat flour 1 1/2 t baking powder 1 t salt 1/2 granulated sugar 3 eggs…