Zucchini and Butternut Squash Casserole

Zucchini and butternut squash are a match made in vegetable heaven – they both cook down to a wonderfully tender texture when steamed or roasted, and the sweetness of the butternut squash is not overpowered by zucchini (which, arguably, does not taste like much).  Combining these two vegetables (fruit? they have seeds, after all) makes…

Before and after: butternut squash

Before: Now that we’re full-on into the holiday season, what’s better than comfort food that’s filling, flavorful, and cozy?  Roasted butternut squash is definitely one of those things in the produce aisle that reminds me of down-to-earth deliciousness. After: Butternut squash and feta casserole 1 butternut squash, cubed into about 1/2 inch pieces 1/2 c…