Chewy Granola Bars (no peanut butter!)

As I’ve mentioned before, I am always on the hunt for a great CHEWY granola bar that doesn’t require a nut butter as a binding agent.  Personally, I don’t really like the taste of PB in a perfectly good granola bar!  This is the perfect chewy, oat-y, no-bake granola bar that I’ve been making nonstop…

Fruit and Nut Bites

For quick, easy breakfasts on the go, my go-to option is usually granola bars.  Most recipes out there for homemade chewy granola bars include peanut butter.  There’s nothing wrong with that, unless you’re allergic to peanuts, but I don’t particularly care for the taste of peanut butter/peanuts, and alternative nut butters are really expensive in…

Yogurt and Granola Parfait

In college, there was a campus eatery in the student center that I frequented for two things: chicken tortellini salad and the yogurt parfaits.  Other people might have preferred their coffee or paninis, but I liked the tortellini and the yogurt parfaits for lunch on the go. After making a big batch of homemade granola,…

Big-Batch Homemade Granola

I’m always on the hunt for things that will fill me up for breakfast because I tend to get really hungry by 10:30 am otherwise!  Granola and yogurt certainly helps, and it is also easily portable (unlike milk for cereal).  While there are plenty of great brands and flavors to choose from at the grocery…

fall spices and chocolate

Mmm… I love the smell of baking, especially fall spices like cinnamon and nutmeg.  I added both to the recipe below to make it more festive for fall! Honey lavender almond biscotti 1 1/4  c all-purpose flour 1 1/4 c whole-wheat flour 1 1/2 t baking powder 1 t salt 1/2 granulated sugar 3 eggs…