Watermelon-Tomato Salad and Herb-Crusted Salmon


I came across a small container of miniature heirloom tomatoes at the grocery store and thought their varied colors would be perfect in a simple salad.  This one is just halved cherry tomatoes, small cubes of watermelon, and torn basil dressed in a bit of salt, pepper, olive oil, and balsamic vinegar (served over baby spinach).


The herb-crusted salmon is a great way to add a lot of flavor and crunch to an otherwise plain piece of fish.  The topping also works well on tilapia.

You will need: (serves 2)

2 salmon filets, each cut into 2-inch wide portions

3 T mayonnaise (I used olive oil mayo here)

1 t dry mustard powder

1/2 c breadcrumbs

1/4 c grated Parmesan cheese

2 t dried parsley

1 t dried dill

lemon wedges, to serve

Season the salmon with salt and pepper on both sides.  Stir together the mayo and mustard powder, spread a thin layer on top of each piece of salmon.  Stir together the breadcrumbs, cheese, parsley, and dill in a small bowl, then distribute among the pieces of salmon and gently press into the mayo.  Bake at 375 degrees for about 15 minutes until fish is cooked through (when it flakes easily in the middle) and topping is browned.  Add a squeeze of fresh lemon juice and serve.

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